help_bullet_title.gif Change User Password

Provider Relations does not have the ability to maintain or change the User Password, however they do that the ability to reset the password. This is useful in cases where the user forgets their password after changing it from the default.

To Reset the User Password:

  1. Follow the steps outlined in the User Search page to find the User to be modified and click the hyperlink name,

  2. on the resulting page, confirm the first name, last name and user id are those of the desired user,

  1. click the Change Password link located above the table of User Access Privileges,

  1. enter and confirm the new password which must comply with the following standards: 8-16 characters in length with at least 1 number, 1 lower case letter, and 1 upper case letter,

  2. provide this new password to the user and inform them that, for security reasons, the first time they log into ePACES with this new password they will be prompted to change it.

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